Short Code is nothing but a 6 digit easy to remember number like: 56161. 52222 etc. We all are familiar with these codes as we often heard of them and see them in our television screens during reality shows or even in news channels when they ask us to vote for some cause or for our opinions.

On the other hand long code is nothing but a 10 digit easy to recall numbers with same functionality and features like the short code.

So let’s see how these codes work

Companies who want to do certain promotions along with collecting databases of the clients usually opt for these codes. Along with unique codes these companies are provided with a backend or the admin panel whereby they can get the count or the data of the callers or clients who has responded to their campaign or survey or polls etc. These codes also comes along with another interesting feature that is “Auto reply” where by the sender instantly gets a SMS like “ Thank you for your feedback or poll we will get back to you soon” etc…..

So what the user has to do exactly?

  • Users has to just send a message on these codes mentioning their opinion, or any answer of any quiz or any feedback etc.
  • Compatible to all the operators these codes are an excellent tool for data collection and for lead generation. From insurance, to banks to mutual funds to consumer product companies every brand can connect themselves to millions of people using these codes.

7+ Billion

Customer connects

4+ Billion

Events daily

5+ Billion

SMS sent monthly

3+ Billion

Email sent monthly